Saturday, 10 November 2012

Friday, 13 July 2012

Today is the day! Just getting ready to go build the show @homeandgift2012 :-) -- mini-munchkins (@mini_munchkins_)

Circus jigsaw

Jigsaw prototype for Sundays home and gift , still needs a bit of work :)

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Working hard!!

Well i seem to be working day and night ! Harrogate next week , then circus collection deadline , then the big launch!! :) 

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Photoshoot !!

Our shoes are going to be used in a photoshoot cant wait to see the pics im sure they will look amazing :)
Pics to follow soon guys

Friday, 11 May 2012

End of an era!

Well today was the last day i get to spend with my friends working at university :( for them its pretty much all over but for me its all the way to august really hope we all stay in touch :) x

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Amazing illustrator

Double Trouble by Robyn Taylor

Hi guys i would just love to share this ladys art , please show your appreciation and vote for her , and the best thing is she is such a nice person , pls vote it will take 5 seconds!!! Thanks :) x

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Morning :)

Good morning :) why not follow us on twitter for even more munchkin goodies :) @mini_munchkins_  xx

Monday, 9 April 2012

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Hi guys I came across this fantastic competition for all you visitors, win £250 pounds worth of DKNY childrens clothing!!!! The competition is running on from the 3rd of April until the 1st of May so all you style concious mummys can follow this link for your chance to win! x

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


Twitter is now up and running please follow @mini_munchkins_
Thanks guys ;-) x

Soooo sweet


Baby Chick Dress Up


This is soooo cute I think Harrison just might be wearing this for easter! x

Super trendy for all those fashionable mums

Mommassentials Set
Photo: Courtesy of Funktion Moms

this is so trendy and helps the drama of carrying a handbag and a changing bag! x 

New project circus extravaganza!!

Just started my new collection working with a eclectic mix of circus, carousel horses and vintage jewellery , not sure how this will all come together but im excited to see where we end up! :) x

first designs for branding

I have started work on my branding , firstly for uni but hopefully the products will launch with the final designs all neatly wrapped up by august this year!!! I'm so excited tho not so excited about the price of the machinery! x

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Girls hand embroidered shoes

Hand embroidered and fully handmade baby girls shoes

great news!!!

 have just recieved my dissertation mark and I have managed a 2:1 only two marks off a first but never mind , but still not bad with Harrison taking most of my time!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

new baby gifts

some baby gifts I have just finished , hand embriodered feeding cloths and hand made shoes .
well i am totally rubbish at this but hopefull we will have a pretty blog up and running very soon for all to see!!!